Episode Content
A call-in is a segment in a podcast where listeners participate by calling into the show to ask questions or share comments.
Chapter Markers
Chapter markers are timestamps within a podcast episode that divide the content into segments, allowing listeners to navigate easily.
Cold Open
An introductory segment that starts before the introduction.
Duration / Runtime
Duration or runtime is the total length of a podcast episode.
Episode Outline
An episode outline is a structured plan detailing the content and flow of a podcast episode.
Episodic podcasts release individual episodes that can be listened to in any order.
The opening of the podcast episode.
Limited Series
A limited series is a podcast with a predetermined number of episodes, focusing on a specific topic or story arc.
Advertisements or promotional segments that occur in the middle of a podcast episode.
The closing segment of a podcast episode, often including music and closing remarks.
A script is a written outline or text that guides the content and flow of a podcast episode.
A segment is a distinct part of a podcast episode, often dedicated to a specific topic or format.
A short audio or video preview promoting an upcoming podcast or season.
Vox Pop
Vox pop is a segment where podcasters gather opinions from the public, often through short, on-the-street interviews.